Most of us remember, from childhood, a container made of ceramic, glass, or tin, where our favourite cookies could be found. Admit it; thinking of that vessel can create a sense of comfort and anticipation even decades later.
In the past, a spare cookie jar might have kept the egg money safe for emergencies, hidden a key to the liquor cabinet, or sheltered some romantic reading.
To me, the cookie jar represents a safe place for our secret feelings. I have always kept a journal and filed away bits of history and interesting trivia. In From the Cookie Jar, I will be sharing recipes, ideas, and memories gathered over decades.
I met my husband over fifty years ago, and I wrote two books about his misadventures growing up in the fifties and sixties. In the Get a Bigger Wagon books he is known only as the boy. In From the Cookie Jar, I will occasionally share a story about “the girl.” She dealt with a bully, survived a house fire, and was an expert at riding a motor cycle sidesaddle.
Today, if you’d like to contribute to my cookie jar, tell me about the items your mother or grandmothers hid in theirs?
9 Responses
Hi Maureen! This looks great 🙂 Love the idea!
Love the website. Thanks for sending the link to Bill so he could share it. Look forward to reading more. Cheers
In my house, all things wonderful came in a beautiful, well-loved, red and gold tin. Over the years, it accumulated dents and dings, but still it stood embracing lovely treats inside.
I love it Maureen!!!
I love it Maureen!!!
My Grandma didn’t have a cookie jar at her house on the farm, but something which I held in a similar high regard as a youngster. It was the gum jar.
Wonderful, wonderful idea Maureen. Thank you! An opportunity to recall and share simpler pleasures. Reading made me remember my great grandmother’s apron pocket.
My nan had an amazing tin and she kept buttons in there. She had collected them over the years all different shapes, colours, and sizes.
Hi Maureen! My greatest memory of my childhood was a big cream colour tin with a copper colour lid that was marked sugar in Cooper writing and in it was money for Woolworths.